"Blued Trees," an opera
an opera challenging ecocide, massacring the environment, and generational conflict Julia has a new opera project in New York City....
Odyssee am Untersee
Transl.: Odysseus on the Untersee Julia Schwartz developed a scene for this truly exciting production. Zelina Hale, Birgitta...
Freedom Papers
A Piece of Verbatim Theatre with Music Performance on January 20, 2019 Why create a piece of verbatim theater about freedom? Facebook was...
Fette Männer im Rock - 2012
Transl.: Fat Men in Skirts Fat Men in Skirts is a dark comedy by Nicky Silver. Julia Schwartz created short soundscapes. See photos in...
Fragile Fragmente Frida - 2009
Transl.: Fragile Fragments Frida Dance theatre based on the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Julia Schwartz created soundscapes and...
Transl.: Moving House
Die kleine Spanne Spiel - 2008
Scene collage based on poems and short texts by Ilse Schneider-Lengyel, illuminating her life. Julia Schwartz created soundscapes, sang...
Böse Mütter - 2004
Transl.: Evil Mothers Scene collage based on several literary sources about "bad" mothers. Julia Schwartz created soundscapes and had a...
Eve Endlos - 2003
Transl.: Endless Eve Based on E.T.A Hoffmann's story The Sandman. Julia Schwartz created soundscapes, functioned as singing coach and had...